Nectar Hot Flow

Heated to 90-ish degrees, this class will inspire you to break a sweat. Expect a mindfully-paced, intentionally-sequenced class, with options to turn the dial up or down depending on what your body needs day-to-day. This class consists of mostly standing postures, but gets lower to the ground at some points in class. Teachers will often weave essential yoga concepts into the practice.

Hot Power Flow

Hot Power Flow is a heated, vinyasa class that keeps you moving! Because this class is faster paced than our signature Nectar Hot Flow, it is recommended that students are familiar with posture names and alignment. Expect creative, fluid transitions, and time to play and explore complex postures. Class will also include essential concepts relevant to yoga philosophy.

Pilates Fusion

Looking for a low-impact, high-energy workout that will compliment your postural yoga practice? This is it! Pilates Fusion takes inspiration from pilates, barre, and yoga, to offer you a challenging practice that eases into a well-deserved rest. Postures will be a combo of standing, seated, kneeling, and laying down.

Yin & Nidra

Based on traditional Chinese medicine, yin yoga involves long, passive holds that target specific meridians in the body. Postures will be mostly seated, kneeling, or lying down. Class will conclude with Yoga Nidra- a guided relaxation meant to drive the brain into alpha/theta coherence. You might find yourself deeply relaxed, yet expansively aware, a yogic state known as “turiya”.

Gentle & Restorative

Gentle & Restorative is an opportunity to embrace the subtle side of yoga. Class will consist of mostly kneeling, seated, and laying down postures. You'll receive a gentle movement practice that eases into a series of savory restorative postures. Get comfy with the support of props while being piloted into deep relaxation.

Therapeutic Yoga

Offer your body and nervous system a treat! This slow moving class invites you to connect with your breath while working on mobility, stability, and balance. Class will close with gentle, restorative yoga.